Wednesday, December 09, 2015


My least favorite time of the year is when Scott makes his annual trip up to Alaska to see his mining clients.  He usually goes in the month of October, but this year it got pushed back to November.  He was gone for a solid 2 weeks, and we really missed him.  Here is a summary of what he missed while he was gone.

5 of Savannah's basketball games.  I made sure to be to each one (and usually with extra little cheerleaders).

Aspen Leaf ice cream to celebrate when Savannah made her first basket in one of those games.

Nate's 2nd grade music program.

Pack meeting for Aaron.

Aaron lost his first molar.

Frosty mornings.  We had a cold spell hit.  I think it may have been colder here than it was in Alaska.

Shopping and lunch with the girls.  I have to admit, Scott's travels now are a lot easier than they used to be when all the kids were little, because now I have babysitters.  Josh held down the fort with the boys while the girls and I hit up a 50% off sale at Old Navy.

I hit the third trimester in this pregnancy!

Meanwhile, Scott had his own adventures in Alaska.  We are happy he was safe while traveling, and were so happy to get him home (the Monday before Thanksgiving). 

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