Monday, September 21, 2015

First Day of Preschool

The preschool Owen attends, is a year round school.  He got out for the summer 2 weeks after my other kids, and he had to start two weeks earlier, which makes for a short summer break.  Thankfully it's only twice a week (Monday and Wednesday) and for only 3 hours (9:00-12:00), so it's not too bad.  He was excited to get to go back to his classroom because they have fun things there. 

And while he did get a break from preschool for a few months during the summer, we didn't ever take a break from speech therapy.  Twice a week - Tuesdays and Thursdays - I spend half an hour with Kate in the waiting room while Owen attends speech therapy.  Progress is very slow, but he is making progress.  And so we keep going. 

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