Sunday, August 10, 2014

Yellowstone Day 4

We got up early and packed everything up, cleaned the cabin, and left to head home.  We stopped at Bear World on the way, and spent several hours there.  The little boys loved the amusement park.  The older kids realized that the rides weren't as fun to them as they were when we came 4 years ago.




I love Aaron's expressions in this next series of pictures.

We finally convinced the kids to leave the rides and go exploring the animals that were in the petting zoo.

Then the kids talked their dad into paying the extra money so we could go on the special tour through the wild animal park.  We got to feed the bears from the top of a truck!  It was awesome!


After Bear World, we finished the rest of the drive to Aberdeen.  We were all so happy to see our baby Kate.  I think Grandma and Grandpa really enjoyed having her.  We took my parents and all of the kids out to eat at the mexican restaurant in Aberdeen (not a lot of choices for eating out there), as a thank you to my parents for watching Kate.  Then, we loaded the whole family back up and drove home.  It was good to get home and sleep in our own beds.  We had a great vacation!

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