Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Labor Day

We spent Labor Day this year doing yard work. We pruned all of the bushes in our yard. That's a job that is usually saved for me to do by myself while Scott spends a month in Alaska. But this year, Scott decided to push it up a bit and do it while he was still home so he could help me. We got the kids involved and worked all day long (we have a LOT of bushes). (Savannah and Sara grabbed the camera and documented the day).

To reward the kids for working, Scott took the kids to the swimming pool that evening (I stayed home with Owen and cleaned up inside). All in all, not the most exciting way to spend a holiday, but I'm so thankful that it's all done.

1 comment:

Angela Cothran said...

That's what I should have done this Labor Day, but no--we just played. It looked like Owen was tons of help!