Friday, August 05, 2011

Happy Birthday Nate

Happy 3rd Birthday Nate.

It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. Now he is three years old. Where has the time gone?

This morning Nate came to me and said, "Mom, give me a bath so I can wash off all this two!" Then after his bath he said, "All my two went down the drain, and now I'm three!" I love the way little brains work.

Here are some of my favorite things about Nate at this age:

Nate is such a delightful little boy. He loves his older siblings and they love him. Nate always has a buddy to play with him around here. He also loves his baby brother Owen. He calls Owen "my best friend" all the time. One of my favorite things about having a big family, is the wonderful friendships that have developed between all my kids. Nate is smart and has an amazing vocabulary. He recently has mastered potty training and I've been brave enough to put him in underwear this last week. He recently discovered that he can stand up at the toilet to pee, and loves to show off this skill. Nate loves swimming--he's fearless. He puts on a life jacket, then jumps off the side of the pool to Savannah, and then swims around like a little fish. Nate loves tractors--they are building a road behind us, and Nate's favorite thing to do these days is to walk with Josh up behind our house to watch the tractors work. Nate loves digging--he and Aaron are always little digging partners out in the sandbox. Nate loves his Dad and loves when he gets to go with Dad in his truck. Nate loves Nursery at church--he can't wait to go see his teachers each week. Nate loves his night-night--everything can be made better if he has his blanket.

We love you Nate! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Angela Cothran said...

I can't believe how fast they grow. I know I'm not old enough to have a 12 year old.