Thursday, June 09, 2016

Week Seven

April 1st.

This week was a rough one.  With his cold, Gabe really wasn't feeling well, and I spent a lot of time pacing the floors with a crying baby trying to soothe him. 

April 2nd.

April 4th.  Out for a walk in the stroller.

Don't let all the happy pictures fool you.  This is what most of the week really looked like.

April 5th.

April 6th.  The Relief Society gave me a blanket with this embroidered on it.

April 7th.  This was when I finally broke.  Scott was gone on another trip, and when he called to say goodnight the night before, I cried. A week of a sick fussy baby had completely worn me out and I told him I couldn't do it anymore. I cried and cried.  After we got off the phone, he texted one of my friends and asked if she could help. She called me and asked what she could do.  I cried and told her I was just so tired.  She asked if she could come get Gabe for a few hours so I could sleep, and 5 minutes later she was at my door. It was 10:00, and she told me to go to bed and she'd bring him back to me in a couple of hours.  I told her I would leave the front door unlocked, and to just come in and wake me up.  I went to bed right after she left (I already had all the other 7 kids in bed), and the next thing I knew, she was waking me up at 3am.  She said she would have kept him longer, but she was afraid I would get worried.  I was able to get much needed solid sleep while Gabe was gone. And the next morning, for the first time in a week, I was able to put him down while he was awake without him screaming. I decided that things would be alright after all.  I am so thankful for a husband that recognized that I needed help, and thankful for a friend that was so willing to help me out. 

As if I didn't have enough on my plate already, this week we decided it was time to try and sell our house.  So, the de-cluttering and packing up non-essentials began.  After getting sleep the night before, I decided to pack up my first box.  I cried a little when I taped it up. 

This day was a complete turnaround from the previous week.  Almost instantly, Gabe's cold got better and he was happy and content.  It was such a welcome change. Gabe slept in his swing for 3 hours in the morning and then again for 3 hours in the afternoon. He slept more this day than he had the entire week. And when he was awake, he was happy. My baby was finally better.

Do you see that little purple flower on him?  Kate picked that outside for Gabe, and gently laid it on his blanket while he slept.

Scott got home that evening, and we took Gabe for a walk.

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