Sunday, May 22, 2016

Family Visit

The kids were so excited to take pictures of Gabe to school with them the day after he was born.  Scott printed the pictures on our computer after he got home the first night, and sent them all to school with pictures to show off.  And they were also very excited to get to come visit me and Gabe in the hospital after they got home from school. 

I loved seeing the tenderness and love that the kids all had for Gabe.


The little ones got a little stir crazy, and Scott had to buy them treats out of the vending machine to keep them happy, but my older kids couldn't get enough of Gabe.  My parents took the little kids home, but Nate and Josh (and of course, Sara and Savannah) chose to stay longer and go home with Scott. After they all left, it was back to just me and Gabe.  I had him sleep in the nursery again that night, and they brought him in to me every three hours to feed. 

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