Friday, May 20, 2016

8th Floor

A few hours after delivery, we were ready to move upstairs to the 8th floor.  We got settled into our room and cuddled with Gabe a bit more.


The girls really did not want to leave and go home.  But it was a school night, so they needed to go home and sleep.  I had planned on Scott going home instead of staying the night in the hospital.  I knew trying to get all the kids off to school would be hard on my parents, so I wanted Scott there to help out.  I hadn't realized how hard it would be to send him home, though.  We've always had our babies before noon, and have had the whole day to spend together after delivery.  This was our first evening baby.  We didn't get up to our room till after 8.  Everything had happened so fast, and before I knew it, I was having to say goodbye to Scott and the girls and I was all alone with my new little baby.

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