Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 2

I had Gabe spend the night in the nursery, so I could try and get some sleep.  He had to have his blood sugar tested every three hours, so I had to stay on top of feedings so he'd be able to pass each test.  When Owen was born he had the hardest time passing all of his blood sugar tests.  He'd pass a couple, then fail one and we'd have to start all over.  By the time Owen finally passed the final test, his poor little feet were just a mess of cuts from having to draw blood each time.  I didn't want Gabe to have to go through that, so I woke up and fed him every 2 hours through the night (they would just bring him from the nursery to me, I'd feed him, then send him back to the nursery so I could get a few more hours of sleep before it was time to feed again).  And it worked, Gabe passed every single blood sugar test!

When morning came, my dr. made his rounds to check on me.  He sat and chatted with me about how cute Kate had been watching the delivery. He thought it was so funny how she had been right there at my feet, watching all of the action, and totally unphased by it all.  I love my doctor.  Then the pediatrician came and checked on Gabe.  He said he looked perfect.  Then I had quiet time with my baby.

Scott spent his morning getting all the kids off to school, then he headed down to the hospital to be with me. 

We spent the rest of the day taking turns snuggling our new little guy.

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