Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Speech Therapy

In early March, I took Owen to the West Ada School District's early childhood intervention screening.  I've thought for some time now that his speech isn't developing like it should, and I asked his pediatrician about it at his 4 year old check up last November.  His pediatrician suggested I take him to this screening, and I drug my feet till February before calling to set anything up.  But I finally took him in, and my fears were confirmed.  He scored poor in speech and they referred us on for more screening with the school district.

When we got back from vacation, I decided I'd better get the ball rolling.  I didn't know how long it would take for the school district to start intervention, so I set up a screening at Aaron's therapy place (they do speech therapy there too).  I took Owen in the week after vacation, and had him tested.  His scores came back in the less than 1 percentile for his age.  I had known it was bad, but I hadn't realized it was that bad.

So that launched us into a speech therapy schedule of sessions twice a week - Tuesdays at 11 and Thursdays at 12:30.  We have homework that we work on each week, and we've been told this will take about a year.  It's a lot, but I know it's needed, and I know that getting him quality help now will pay off in the end.

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