Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Owen's School

The second day of school came, and Owen got left behind again.  He was so sad.  As Scott drove away with the kids, Owen ran in the house, and threw himself on his bed in tears.

I convinced him to come for a walk with me and Kate, and that helped cheer him up for the moment.  But when we returned home from our walk, he started crying again that he wanted to go to school with Nate.  A few hours later, Owen got a special surprise.  I had shared the pictures of him crying that morning on Facebook, and Randy had seen them.  Randy showed up at our door with special school supplies for Owen to do his own school at home!  Apples to give to his teacher (me), a notebook to draw in, a box of pencils, and a book to read (Little Wolf Goes to School).  Owen was thrilled.  He quickly posed for me for his back to school picture by the front door.

Then we headed outside to do school on the trampoline (Kate was napping).  We read his book, and we drew in his notebook.  He learned the letters O, A, and S.  And when all the school kids came home and heard Owen got to do school on the trampoline, they were all jealous!

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