Sunday, September 21, 2014

Camping in the Backyard

We fixed our yard Labor Day weekend.  We tilled the ground up on Saturday, and on Monday we laid sod.  And through it all, we bribed the kids with a campout in the backyard if they would help with the work.  Saturday night a storm rolled through, so we had to wait till Sunday night to put the tent up. 

Scott borrowed a projector from work, and we let them watch a movie through the screened wall of the tent.  They thought it was pretty much the coolest thing ever.

Savannah watched the movie with the kids, but didn't want to sleep out in the tent (she got enough tent sleeping at girl's camp).  It took a long time for the kids to settle down to sleep, but finally they were all sound asleep.  And they all made it through the night!

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