Wednesday, September 04, 2013

New Friends

At the beginning of the summer, a new family moved in across the street from us.  They are awesome.  They have three kids - Carter (10), Bess (8), and Maggie (3).  Josh and Carter have become best friends.  It's so nice for Josh, he's never had a boy his age to play with in our neighborhood.  Those two could spend every waking moment together fishing or catching bugs. 
Owen (on slide), Carter, Josh, Bess, and Nate (at the top)
And then there is sweet Bess.  She has been an answer to prayers for Sara.  Earlier this summer, Sara started seeing a counselor for depression/aggression.  Bess has done more to pull Sara out of that, than a hundred counseling sessions could ever do.  Bess and Sara do spend every minute together, and Sara is so happy to have a new best friend that she can just be herself with. 

And spunky little Maggie has us all wrapped around her finger.  But, she has specifically latched on to Savannah.  She adores "Sofanna" and Savannah loves having a little one look up to her.  One day Savannah invited Maggie over to make cookies with her.  Maggie was in heaven.

Maggie comes over just to play with Savannah.  It's really cute.

And it's not just the kids that are great - they've got great parents too.  Our whole family has just clicked with their whole family.  We had them over for a fire pit dinner a couple weeks ago.  It was so fun.  The sad thing is, though, that they are just renting there temporarily while they build in Lionsgate.  That's the neighborhood that we looked at building in, so it's not too far away, but it's not just across the street.  It's going to be a sad day when they move into their new house.  It's almost enough to make me want to build a new house right next to them....almost.

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