Saturday, September 07, 2013

Labor Day in McCall

Labor Day was an adventure this year.  It's a day that our kids will remember for a very long time.  Our new friends, the Moores, invited us to join them for the day in McCall and go boating.  We rented a boat big enough for all of us for 4 hours and had a blast.  It was our kids' first time on a boat, so it was kind of a big deal. 

I was worried about how Kate would do having to be out all day, but she was a trooper and was happy the whole time.

The boat could pull a tube, and all the kids (except Owen) took turns riding it.  They all had looks of sheer joy when they were on the tube.
Carter and Aaron

Sara and Bess

Savannah and Maggie

Nate and Aaron


Sara showing off
 Owen wanted nothing to do with the water.  He was content to sit on the boat and eat snacks...and nap.


We stopped at some rocks that were perfect for jumping off into the lake.  Aaron was the first one off the boat and into the water.  Nate was right behind him.

Savannah jumped off the short rock, and then set her sights a little higher.

Aaron decided to try jumping off the tall rock too.  But after standing at the top for 15 minutes, he chickened out and decided to stick to the shorter height.

These two boys only had one thing on their minds the entire trip - FISHING!  They didn't catch anything, but they sure had fun trying.

Savannah thought she was big enough to drive the boat, so we let her take a turn.

Bess and Sara taking a swimming break.

We all had such a fun day.  The fun on the boat made up for the miserable car ride.  We've got two kids (Sara and Owen) that get car sick, and the road to McCall is full of twists and turns.  We came prepared with bowls, but 2 year olds aren't so great at aiming.  So, on the drive up, Owen puked all over himself, and I had to strip him down to a diaper, and have Savannah sit next to him holding the bowl for the next time he threw up.  Savannah was NOT a fan of that.  So, on the way home, when we put Owen beside her again, she cried like a baby that she just couldn't sit there.  After listening to her cry for half an hour on the way home, we stopped and switched the seating arrangements.  We put Owen in the front seat between me and Scott, and I held the bowl for him.  He gagged a few times, but nothing came up.  He was white as a ghost, and I could tell he did not feel good at all.  Soon, though, he fell asleep on my shoulder, and slept peacefully the rest of the drive.  When we got home, nobody fought me about going to bed - they were all exhausted.  What a great day!

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