Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Back to School

Last Tuesday (August 27th) was the first day of school.  Savannah was my first one up and out the door (a full hour before the other kids).  She is in 6th grade this year, and headed off to middle school.  

I walked her down to the bus stop.  It was a gorgeous morning, with the sun just coming up.  She marched up to the bus like a pro.  She just happened to glance back at me as I was taking her picture.  She climbed on the bus and I waved goodbye to her, then turned around and started crying.  It seems like just yesterday she was Kate's age.  She grew up so fast.  I'm terrified that I'm going to blink and tomorrow it will be Kate heading off to middle school.

After I got Savannah off, I went for a quick two mile run, then came back home to get the next round of kids up and ready for school.
Josh is in 5th grade.

Sara is in 3rd grade.

Aaron is in 2nd grade.

I walked the next three down to the bus and sent them off for their first day.  Then I came home to my other three kids still at home.  Nate is in afternoon kindergarten.  He spent the whole morning asking, "Is it time for me to go yet?".  Finally the time came.

Owen was convinced he was going to go to school with Nate.  When I took Nate to school, and he walked in through the door, Owen laid down on the blacktop and cried.  It's hard to be little and get left behind.

So now I'm down to just my two little ones still at home.  It is quite an adjustment for Owen, and he really misses playing with all his siblings.  Kate just isn't great at playing with him yet.  She'll get there eventually, but for now he's just a little lost with everyone gone.  I have to admit, so am I.

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