Friday, June 05, 2015

Regional Football

Josh is loving being on the adult Special Olympic team.  They have been practicing every week for the last few months.  And this last Saturday they finally got the chance to play in games.  A week before the games, they recruited Scott to be one of the coaches.  Josh and Scott headed out to Caldwell Saturday morning to be there in time for registration, and then I went out in the afternoon to watch the games.

Josh started out strong and had some really good runs.


And then the following series of pictures occurred. 

Josh ended up at the bottom of a pile and his calf muscle got crunched.  He laid on the field and cried, unable to get up.  They had to carry him off the field.  They had a couple of people who knew about injuries come over and check him out.  They determined nothing was broken, but the muscle had seized up into a charlie horse and was having spasms.  For the next two hours, Josh's calf muscle had spasms so strong that you could see his whole calf muscle moving.  He wasn't able to play any more that day.  He was so disappointed.  He wanted to play so badly, but he couldn't put any weight on his leg. 

The injury happened toward the end of the first game.  Scott's family all showed up to watch Josh play in his second game, but they didn't get to see him play because he was sidelined with an injury.  So we all sat around and talked instead while Scott coached.

I headed home during the very last game, and Josh stayed to watch while Scott coached.  After all the games, the whole team went out for pizza and Josh and Scott went with them.  Josh loves playing on this team.  The guys he plays with are so accepting of him and I think he really enjoys being their friend.  Josh is really excited for the State games in a few weeks.  He and Scott are going to drive up together to the University of Idaho in Moscow for three days to attend the State games.  They get to stay in the dorms, and from what the team moms have told me, its a pretty spectacular event.  We just have to make sure he's not injured for those games, because his team really needs him!

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