Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Little Miss Independent

Kate wants to do everything herself these days.  Including feeding herself.

She is still in love with her blanket (she calls it "det" for blanKET).  It's a sad day when it needs washed.

She loves being outside ALL the time, and knows how to open doors to escape, so I have to always watch her.

And she LOVES her big brother Owen.  On the rare occasion that he takes a nap during the day, I have to fight to keep Kate away from him, because she just wants to wake him up to play with her.  He loves her too.  When she naps, he's the first one to hear her awake over the monitor, and yells "Kate's awake!" and goes running to her room.  I'm so glad I have these two little people to keep me company during the days.

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