Sunday, July 14, 2013


Kate is 2 1/2 months old now.  I adore the newborn stage, when she was just a snuggly little bundle that ate and slept all day.  And I hate that the newborn stage was so extremely short, and that I spent most of it in a sleep deprived daze.  But, I do have to admit, this next stage is pretty fun.  Kate is sleeping at nights, and is starting to become such a social little thing.  
Hanging out with her protective big brother Owen.

About a week ago, I moved her to sleep in her crib in her own room at nights.  She does really well in there, and sleeps a solid 6 or 7 hours at night.  She still naps in her swing during the day.  The rhythmic movement helps cancel out the chaotic noise that her siblings make during the day.
Waking up in the swing.
And she has discovered toys.  She mostly loves to suck on them, but it's fun to see her aware of things around her.

Today for church, Kate was especially cute.  She slept during Sacrament Meeting, but then was wide awake during Sunday School and Relief Society.  And not only was she awake, but she was extremely happy.  She cooed and talked and smiled to me the whole two hours.  Everyone around her commented on how cute and how expressive she was.  She seriously is just such a little doll.  I adore her immensely. 

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