Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Trick or Treating

The kids had a great time trick or treating this year. With them getting older, I got less complaining about them being tired, and they made it further around our neighborhood than they ever have. Owen was too sick to go trick or treating, so he stayed home and helped Scott hand out candy.
Nate got tired before the others, so I took him back home and let the older kids finish trick or treating with our neighbors.

Nate was so excited to trick or treat to Scott. He kept saying how "sneaky" he was to be trick or treating at our own house. 

Finally the other kids arrived home from trick or treating, and my living room floor was instantly covered with piles of candy being sorted and empty wrappers being thrown about.  It was a good Halloween.
And just so Owen doesn't get totally left out of Halloween this year, I'll post these pictures that I took last week. Our ward had a trunk or treat on Saturday before Halloween. I didn't get a picture of all the kids in their costumes that evening (Owen was a pumpkin). But I did get this picture of him trying on Nate's monkey costume after we got back home.

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