Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Not-So-Great Day

From here on out, the days are all kind of a blur to me, I can't remember which order we did everything in. But this one day stands out in my mind as being everyone's least favorite. I planned a trip up north to a hot springs and an old mining town. It involved quite a bit of driving, and both places were not as interesting to the kids as I had hoped they would be.

Owen was able to get a nap in (this is how he ended up napping almost every day we were there).
Our first stop was Burgdorf Hot Springs. Owen doesn't do so great in swimming pools, so I let Scott and the kids swim while I walked the mountain road with Owen in the stroller. It would have been great....except there were giant biting horse flies everywhere!

The kids managed to fight off the flies for about 45 minutes, and then Scott pulled them all out of the water because he couldn't stand the complaining.

Then we drove on to the mining town. It was only 17 more miles, but it was on a dirt road and took us about an hour to get there. The kids were complaining the whole drive about how far it was.

When we finally got to the mining town, there wasn't much to see.   I had read about the old cemetary there, but we couldn't find it.  And we didn't dare explore too many of the old cabins, because half of them still had people living in them.  We had a picnic (thankfully, there were no flies). Then let the kids explore a bit.
I took the kids on a little hike straight up the mountain.
Aaron found a stick (just like he did on our hike in Banks), and used it to fight off anything that might attack him (in this case, bees).
And then we had a very long drive back to the cabin. Owen got two naps that day (that's vanilla wafer he's wearing on his cheeks)

1 comment:

Daisy Chain Mom said...

We've had plenty of trips like that...and those horse flies are the worse!!!!
Great post and pictures.
God bless, Jo