Monday, November 15, 2010

November 10--One Day Old

Things were pretty lonely at the hospital without Scott, but I was glad he was able to get some rest. My day started at 7:30 with a feeding, then a check by my doctor, then a visit from the pediatrician who checked Owen. Because of his blood sugar issues, we'd have to wait another day to get his circumcision done. Finally around noon, he passed his last blood sugar test (barely), and we were given the ok to finally do his bath. But, I had to wait a few more hours till Scott came back. But, then finally Owen got his bath!

After Owen's bath, they dressed him up for us in his little outfit we'd brought from home. He looked so handsome! And look at all that shiny blond hair!

We had some more visitors this day--Marc and Kenna, Scott's parents, and our kids (again). And we just enjoyed another day with our baby boy in the quiet of the hospital (without all the chaos we knew would await us at home).

We let Owen sleep in the nursery again, and let the nurse bring him in for feedings. This was one feeding, where I let Scott do the burping.

And that brings us to a new day (and a new post). Sorry to drag this out for so long, but this is our family journal, and I don't want to forget anything (and I'm finding that free time is a rarity now, so I have to do this piece by piece when I find the time).

1 comment:

Alli said...

Owen is gorgeous and that hair! Wow, beautiful!