Thursday, March 27, 2014

Disneyland Vacation Day 5- Part 1

Thursday we headed down South to San Diego to go to Sea World.  We stopped along the way at Laguna Beach to check out the tide pools.  I figured it was too cold for the kids to play in the ocean, but they had other thoughts.  The boys all ended up soaked up to their armpits.  But, they had fun!

 Joshua especially loved exploring the tide pools.  He spent all his time off on his own finding cool things in the water. 

There were a couple of marine biologists out on the beach, educating people on the tide pools.  Since we were the only crazy enough people to brave the cool rainy weather, we had them as our own personal tour guides.  Aaron took a special liking to Lauren, and talked her ear off the whole time sharing with her his love and knowledge of whales and sharks. 

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