Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Scott got invited to go down to Phoenix for a few days, by an insurance carrier that he does business with.  They offered to pay my way to go with him.  That was a hard offer to pass up.  So, we hired a babysitter to stay with the kids, and he and I got 2 1/2 days in sunny Arizona together.  It was wonderful. (Our room and the view out the windows.)

We flew in on the afternoon of Wednesday, and had no idea what there was to do. So, we hopped in our rental car and headed to Mesa to see the temple. We figured it was a good place to start.

I loved seeing green grass, flowers in bloom, and citrus trees everywhere.

After walking around the temple, we went to lunch. Scott introduced me to Jimmy Johns sandwiches. I loved it so much, I made him buy me a Jimmy Johns sandwich all three days we were there (there's about one on every corner). They make a seriously good sandwich. After lunch, we headed back to our room and took a nap. We'd been up since 5 that morning, and were pretty tired. After our nap, we went to dinner at Applebees and did some souvenir shopping for the kids at Target. Then we headed back to the room and went to bed.  Not the most action packed day, but when it's vacation, just the fact that you are away not having to take care of the house and kids is wonderful.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

Isn't Arizona just the best? I get so so homesick all the time. I don't understand why everyone doesn't live there. I could sure use a vacation in a sunny spot- glad you could go before you have your sweet little baby and your hands even more full (if that's even possible?)