Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Father's Day

We came home from our vacation on Saturday. As soon as we got home, Scott took the suburban in for new tires (the reason the one went flat, was because it was bald). All four tires needed replaced. I'd had great plans of getting my husband an I-Pad for Father's Day, but when we had to spend a thousand dollars on new tires, that plan got cancelled. Instead, I loaded up the kids and took them to Walmart to buy smaller presents (new roasting sticks for hot dogs, candy, and some really cheap tennis shoes). My parents needed to go home later that day, so we had a Father's Day celebration with my dad a day early. The kids made him a t-shirt with their hand prints.
I cooked a big meal--halibut, rice, broccoli, and cream cheese brownies. Scott had woken up that morning not feeling great, and Savannah felt pretty lousy, too. He spent the day watching golf while I unpacked everything from vacation and then cooked the meal. Then, right as I served my big Father's Day dinner that I had worked hard to prepare, Scott and Savannah walked out the door to go to the doctor. They came back with a diagnosis of Strep. I know I should have been a little bit sympathetic, but I was really frustrated that my Father's Day celebration with my Dad (that I only get once every 10 year or so) was ruined with Scott being sick.  He in turn was frustrated with my lack of sympathy, and we spent the rest of the day not speaking to each other.

Remember how great my Mother's Day was?  Well, Scott's Father's Day was about equally as great.  Except he got presents.
Finally, after not speaking all day, I made Scott go outside on the back patio and "talk" it out, and then we were fine. And then he came in and ate some of my cream cheese brownies I'd made the day before and then we were really fine. I feel badly he had such a lousy day, but at least he got presents.

I love this last picture of the boys.  Their expressions pretty much sum up how Scott and I felt that day.

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