Monday, May 09, 2011

Six Months

Owen is six months today. I can't believe it's been six months already. He's growing so fast and time is passing far too quickly. I just want to keep him little, but he's not cooperating with that. He's growing--a lot. Today he weighed in at a whopping 20 pounds and was 28 inches long! He's the 90th percentile weight, 95th percentile for height, and off the chart for head. The kid is all head! His cheeks are so chubby, they just beg for kissing. The pediatrician also commented on how close his teeth look to coming in. He said usually babies get their bottom teeth first, but Owen looks like his top teeth might come in first. I think he's just going to get them all at once. In the meantime, he's drooling like crazy and chewing on everything he can get his hands on.

And sadly, nursing officially ended last week. I stretched it out as long as I could. Owen had just become so against nursing--it had become such a battle to try and get him to nurse. He would just turn his head and scream. He'd get so upset and then I'd get frustrated and upset, and it was just such a stress for both of us. I finally decided to let him win, and he's much happier now. I'm so incredibly sad that nursing is done, but it is really nice to not have to fight with him over it.

1 comment:

Angela Cothran said...

He is super cute. Love his cheeks :) Sorry about the nursing :( And I love the new blog layout.