Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours

Because it wasn't enough to have one sick baby....

Nate walked into the kitchen at 3:30 this afternoon, and threw up. Then he took a step back and threw up again. I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard and caught the next three throw-ups. Then I put him in the tub and proceeded to clean up my kitchen floor. Thank goodness it was on the hardwood and not the carpet. And thankfully, it was very short lived. By dinner time, he was asking for food and has kept it down perfectly.

(Just in case you were wondering, lunch was strawberry yogurt and pink milk.)


Angela Cothran said...

Thank heavens for hardwood. My son Ethan had a throw-up fest when he was little. He threw up from the top bunk, then got down and threw up in the hall, and then came into my room and threw up next too my bed. All of this was at 3 am. The next day I went to Costco and bought a steam cleaner. All Moms should go to heaven.

Jenni said...

Oh that is just wrong! I feel sick to my stomach now!!!! Can you tell I am not the cleaner up of the throw up in my house??? Cause I am a WIMP!