Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Week Two

Kate turned 2 weeks old this past Monday.  Time is going by so quickly, but I'm trying to savor every minute with this little girl.

I took Kate to a doctor's checkup on Friday (11 days old).  She weighed in at just 7 pounds 4 ounces (down 7 ounces since birth).  Her doctor likes babies to regain their birth weight by 10 days old, so he told us to increase the feeding schedule.  As it has been in the past, milk production is proving to be a struggle for me again this time.  I had to break down and start supplementing with formula.  It's always hard for me to do that first formula bottle.  Scott tells me that the most important thing is just making sure she gets enough to eat, regardless of where it comes from.  And after a weekend of supplementing with formula, Kate gained some weight.  At her follow up weight check on Tuesday, she was up to 7 pounds 8 ounces.  She gained 4 ounces in 4 days, which the doctor said is perfect.  So we just have to continue on with supplementing, and she should be fine.  It would be so much easier if my body just worked like it is supposed to, and made enough milk.

Owen is warming up to Kate.  He's decided that she isn't so bad after all, and he will sit and snuggle with me while I feed Kate.  The other kids continue to be in love with their little sister.

I'm running on very little sleep, but I try not to complain too much.  I know how fast this stage will fly by, and so I don't mind too much having to spend one-on-one feeding time with my little girl throughout the night.  I know that one day not so far away, I'll look back and miss these days. 

She still hates diaper changes.

Kate is so long and skinny.

1 comment:

Big R said...

Karen, you could make a fortune marketing the photo of the napsters as the poster children of "Peace and Contentment." Hope you have a marvelous Mother's Day--one that mirrors your wonderful accomplishments as a Mom!