Saturday, September 11, 2010


4 days till Scott's birthday
8 days till we have to speak in Sacrament
21 days till Savannah's birthday
11 days till Scott has to travel to Sun Valley
3 days he'll be gone
1 day that he'll be home before leaving again
19 days straight he'll be gone to Alaska
3 days home before leaving again
5 days gone to Northern Idaho
27 days in total that Scott will be gone
58 days till this little baby boy arrives (16 days after Scott finishes his traveling)

I'm a little stressed. No, make that a lot stressed. And to top it all off, I'm sick. I always seem to come down with a horrible cold at the end of all my pregnancies and it usually doesn't go away till after I deliver the baby. I'm hoping that's not the case with this cold. I'm pretty miserable--stuffy nose, headache, painfully sore throat. If I have to make it through the whole next 8 weeks feeling like this, I will not survive.

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