Monday, September 21, 2015

Vacation Day 6 (August 5)

Nate's Birthday! To celebrate, we went to McCall and rented a pontoon boat with a tube, and we spent the day on the lake.

Since it was Nate's birthday, he got to be the first one on the tube.

Next up were Aaron and Sara.  Aaron wasn't so sure about it at first.

But once they got going, he loved it. 

Right up until he fell off.  Then he was done.  He did not want to go on the tube anymore the rest of the day.

Nate and Sara.

Kate and Savannah.  Kate also wasn't so sure about it at first, but ended up loving it.  And thankfully, she did not ever fall off.

Josh and Nate. 

Josh was doing ok, till he started to feel himself slipping, and gave Scott the "kill the engine" sign.  But he fell off before Scott could stop.  That was the end of the tube for Josh too. 

The birthday boy.

Kate began to get really tired and just cried.  We pulled in the tube and enjoyed the boat ride over to the far end of the lake where the cliff jumping rocks were.  Eventually Kate fell asleep on me.

The kids loved the rocks.  The bigger kids were more adventurous in jumping than Aaron and Nate.  The small rock was enough for them.  But Josh, Savannah, and Sara got up the courage to jump off the tall rocks.  Owen stayed on the boat with Scott, Kate, and me.

After cliff jumping, it was back to tubing.  Kate woke up and helped Scott drive the boat.

Owen pulled his hood over his head and took a nap.

After 4 hours with the boat, it was time to head back to the marina.

It was such a fun way to spend Nate's birthday!

After tubing, the kids were all hungry.  So we went to dinner at the Pancake House. 

Some miscellaneous pictures that Sara took throughout the day.

(Playing hide and seek)

That evening we went back to the cabin, and Nate got to open his presents. 

Then birthday brownies and ice cream.

My cute 7 year old showing off some of his new birthday jammies.  We love Nate so much!

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