Monday, September 21, 2015

Vacation Day 2 (August 1)

We had a late start that first morning there.  We all slept in and lounged about before we finally settled on what we wanted to do that day.  We finally decided to get dressed and go into McCall.  We had a little surprise for the kids when Kate got dressed.

It took the kids a few minutes to fully comprehend what Kate's shirt was trying to tell them, but then they got really excited.  Due date is February 25th.

We made it into McCall, and headed right for the beach. 

The older girls didn't want to get wet, so they begged for some money from Scott and walked up to Moxi Java for hot chocolates and did some window shopping around town.  The boys and Kate had a great time building a huge sandcastle/fort out of all the rocks and sand they could find.

We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant overlooking the lake.  The food was good and so was the scenery (except for Aaron's food - he ordered a kid's pizza and instead of a traditional pizza, it came out as a tortilla covered in sloppy joe sauce, then had cheese sprinkled on top.  So I shared my nachos.).

Owen and Kate loved looking out at the boats.

After dinner we walked back down by the river.  There is a fun sun dial near the beach, and the kids each found their age number to stand on (except for Savannah, because there is no 13 on a clock).

Savannah tried to split between the 1 and the 3.  That seemed to work.

We enjoyed a beautiful sunset over the lake, then headed back home to the cabin.

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