This post is long overdue. This remodel of the house has overwhelmed our lives for the past year. We endured the kitchen remodel over the winter. It was so nice to have that finally finished. But, we didn't have it quiet around here long, before the upstairs remodel started. It's been a long process, but not quite as traumatic as the kitchen was, because it was new space instead of space we were being kicked out of. I haven't done any updates on the upstairs construction, so I'll start at the beginning and take you through to the end.
It all started with me moving the bookshelf that was here, and tearing into the wall.
May 12 |
A peak inside the attic where the new room would be built. This was after all the support boards for the trusses had been torn out.
May 12 |
When Scott got home from work, I talked him into tearing off the roof. My parents were here for a few days, so my dad helped.
May 12 |
May 12 |
We got the roof to this point, then saved it for the professionals to finish the next day.
May 12 |
Josh did his part with clearing away the scrap wood coming off the house, and using it to keep a fire burning for days.
May 12 |
May 12 |
And since we were tearing the house apart, I decided to go ahead and tackle this project. In our downstairs bedroom, there has always been a wall creating a nook with shelves. The problem was that light couldn't shine in there, so it was always dark, and it never was very functional. So, I tore the shelves and the wall out. In the end, they had to tear the whole wall off to get access to plumbing that needed to come down from the new bathroom, so this whole space was a gaping hole for months.
May 13 |
May 13 |
We hung plastic sheeting over the hole in our wall, to keep bugs and dust out. The trick was keeping Owen and Kate from trying to go out there.
May 13 |
It took no time for them to finish taking off the roof, install the floor trusses, and start framing the walls.
May 13 |
May 13 |
May 13 |
May 13 |
May 13 |
May 13 |
May 13 |
That night we took pillows and blankets out on the floor of the new room, and did some star gazing. Scott had an app on his phone that was able to tell us where and what each constellation was. The kids LOVED it.
May 13 |
May 13 |
May 13 |
The next day, more walls went in and so did the shower. At the end of every day, I would go out with my vacuum and clean up all the sawdust for the day. Then all the kids would pile out onto the new addition to check it out. It was amazing how quickly everything went in the beginning.
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
May 14 |
The next day, the outside walls went up.
May 15 |
And the day after that the roof went on. The kids were so sad to have the roof go on, because they loved getting to go out each night and look at the stars. But, there was rain in the forecast, so I was relieved to finally have a roof on.
May 16 |
And through it all, the fire burned. Most nights, we used it to cook our dinner.
May 16 |
May 16 |
With the roof on, we had to find some other novel use for the room. So one night, Scott brought home a projector from his office, and we hung a sheet and watched a movie.
May 17 |
When they brought in the scaffolding, we really started to look like a construction site!
May 19 |
May 19 |
May 19 |
May 20 |
May 23 |
I can't count how many times these little ones got dragged along to Home Depot with us!
May 23 |
Aaron's birthday was occasion for the projector to make an appearance again to watch another movie.
May 27 |
May 27 |
May 27 |
May 27 |
May 27 |
Next came the stucco. I hadn't realized what a long process this would be. For the first few days, I had to listen to the constant hammering of nails as the chicken wire went up everywhere. Then they came in and did the first coat of stucco. That had to dry for two weeks before they came back and did the final color coat.
June 11 |
June 11 |
June 11 |
June 11 |
June 11 |
June 11 |
Meanwhile inside, the drywall got finished.
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June 18 |
To save money, Scott and I took on the painting. We had to wait till the kids went to bed that night to paint (primer). We didn't have electricity yet in the new rooms, so we had to borrow construction lights to see.
June 18 |
June 18 |
June 19 |
When it came time to pain the walls their colors, Owen was my little painting helper.
June 23 |
June 23 |
Pink for Kate's room. Blue for the bathroom, and tan for the hall.
June 27 |
June 27 |
I'm not sure why, but this became Owen and Kate's favorite hang out place--in the shower!
June 27 |
June 27 |
June 27 |
We found a great deal on our tile - just $1.99 sq ft.
June 27 |
Carpet day! We got a great deal on a remnant piece of carpet. This is just after the pad went down and before the carpet went in. Kate seemed to know it was her room, because through it all, she loved to go in there all day long and just run around (even when it was just dirty subfloor).
July 3 |
July 3 |
Another trip to Home Depot!
July 12 |
And now it's finally done, and Kate is all moved in. But I think the final finished pictures deserve a post all of their own! Stay tuned!
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