Monday, August 11, 2014

Eagle Fun Days

This year the city added in a family penny carnival on Friday night.  Josh and Savannah offered to stay home with Kate (they had gone boating with our neighbors, so they were worn out and wanted to stay home to rest), so Scott and I only had 4 kids with us.  It's amazing how easy 4 kids are when you are used to having 7.  And the best part of the evening was that it was all free!  We started with the boys checking out this awesome fire truck.

Then we took the kids over to the carnival games.  They loved these, and played them over and over.


The next day (Saturday) was the parade.  It wasn't the best parade.  It was hot and they threw zero candy, so the kids were grumpy.  Next year we are going to station ourselves at the beginning of the parade, instead of the end, in hopes that they won't be out of candy when they come to us.

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