Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I went to a doctor's appointment this morning.  I'm dilated to a 2 and am 70% effaced.  That's pretty good progress.  I can hope that this little girl will make an appearance soon, but knowing my history, I'll make it to my induction on the 22nd.  Either way, it won't be much longer.  I'm getting so excited to meet her.

Yesterday I was vacuuming the carpet, and I was having minor contractions while doing it.  It brought my mind back to the beginning of this pregnancy when I didn't know if I'd get to keep this little one.  I remembered my friend coming over to vacuum my floor for me because I was supposed to be taking it easy.  This pregnancy has seemed to last forever, and yet as I was vacuuming, it seemed like just yesterday that we were counting the days till we could detect a heartbeat, and praying that this baby would survive.  She truly is a miracle.

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