For now, I wanted to post these pictures I had taken of Owen at 18 months. One of our most favorite people, Miss Catti (from The Little Gym) took the pictures. She is so talented--I LOVE the way the pictures turned out. There were so many good ones to choose from, but since I can't post them all, I narrowed it down to the following:

Totally cute, right? And that's just half of them. Catti kept commenting how Owen was the most photogenic little boy she'd ever photographed. The kid is just really, really cute.
And since the whole family was there, Catti snapped some pictures of the other kids also.

And the family shot (I know, I already shared it, but it's too cute not to share again).

And finally, the smiles wore Owen out, and he decided he was done. Catti captured this final shot of Owen on Scott's shoulders with tears in his eyes.

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