I hate having a bad thyroid. Most people don't realize how life changing it is when your thyroid isn't functioning. I spent all winter feeling horrible, and finally got into a doctor that was willing to adjust my medicine up. I spent three months on that higher dose, and I felt wonderful. But when I went in to have my levels checked, she was worried I was a little high, so she backed off to a smaller dose and told me to come back in 3 months to check my levels. I made it two months, before I couldn't go on. The first symptom I noticed creep back was "brain fog". That's the only way I can describe it. I can't think straight; I can't think of words when I talk; I'm forgetful; I'm just plain spacey. Next the weight started to become a struggle again. Weight is always a struggle with me, but when my thyroid is off, no matter what I do I gain weight. I was back to taking naps in the day. And the last straw was my hair started falling out again. I couldn't wait another month, so I called and moved up my appointment. They got me in that afternoon, and I walked out of her office with the higher dose of medicine. I'm so thankful for a doctor that listens to me, and not just the numbers on the tests. She said some people don't fit the normal test range, that everybody needs to find where they feel best. She said as long as I don't have any hyperactive symptoms (high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, etc), she would let me be on the higher dose because that is where I feel best. And now I'm back to feeling good again. I really am so thankful for modern medicine!
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2 years ago
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