On September 2nd, Savannah got her braces off! She was lucky and only had to wear them 16 months. Here she is the day she got them on (May 2013).
And here she is the day she got them off. She has grown up so much in the last 16 months! And now she has beautiful straight teeth!
I think Savannah loves seeing her straight teeth just as much as I do. I'm finding an aweful lot of selfies on my phone these days, flashing that beautiful smile.
One thing I want to mention about the pictures above. There is a growing trend among girls her age to make faces in their pictures - duck face, pouty lips, etc. One night Scott and I had gone out grocery shopping, and returned home to find selfies of Savannah and our neighbor, with their tongues out posing rock style for the camera. I sat Savannah down and told her that pictures like those were not appropriate. I told her they were not representative of the Daughter of God that she is. I told her that with social media now, once a picture is put out there, there is no taking it back. I explained that her pictures needed to portray the type of person she wanted others to think she is, they need to be her "best self". And since then she has done awesome with taking pictures. Cocking an eyebrow is about as crazy as she gets. I appreciate that about her. I love that at the age of 12, she understands that "Standing in Holy Places" has such a broad meaning, including the types of pictures you take. She truly is beautiful both inside and out!
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2 years ago
Savannah would have been better leaving on the braces. They make me happy in my pants.
i just nutted for those sexy braces!!
Savannah is so cute I will fucking grab her and put my hand over her mouth and pull her into my van she will kick off her shoes and I will say time for chloroform I clamp a cloth dripping wet with chloroform on her mouth and nose till she is out then I will hump her feet soles till I cum all over them then kidnap her
I'd have nutted on Savannah's braces and had her smile at me while she blew cum bubbles.
Savannah's young braces face just made me cum again. i love looking into her eyes as i'm shooting thick ropes of cum
My wrinkly old cock hasn't gotten hard in years but one look at little Savannah and her braces made it instantly spring to life. Oh the joy of sexy children. If she smiled at me while sucking on my cock I just might die!
She would catch so much cum if I was there with her and the pussy would be split so wide and loose
Oh yea thats a experiences at cock sucker she likes to suck dick please baby me now
You just can't post pictures of your kids online all of us sick bastards are going to say things like this. Hide them and don't post their name you naive soul.
Savannah's teeth after removing the braces look beautiful. The are so perfect. You should get a retainer so the stay in that shape. They should put her in a toothpaste commercial. The teeth are straight, white and big. The teeth are so beautiful!
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