Josh had the assignment at school of doing a report on an animal found in a rainforest. He chose the red-eyed tree frog. As part of that assignment, he had to make a diorama at home. I let Scott tackle that one, and he and Josh had a great time making it. In the afternoon on the second to the last day of school, Scott and I (and Sara, Aaron, Nate and Owen) got to go to Josh's classroom to listen to Josh's report. Josh did great on his report. He has grown up so much this year and done so great in school. He has really loved his teacher Ms. Haas (as have I, she's a great teacher) and she has really loved him. He's really going to miss her. She made learning fun for Josh and he really thrived in her class. I am so thankful for all the great teachers that have taught my kids.
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