Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pinewood Derby

This year we just had one boy to make a car for the Pinewood Derby.  I think Josh was sad he was too old to participate, but Aaron was pretty excited that his Dad could put all his focus into making his car extra fast.  Scott put a lot of work into Aaron's car.  He let Aaron design it and paint it, but Scott stayed up really late the night before getting the wheels aligned just perfectly.  We thought for sure we had a winner this year.

Aaron was all smiles as he got his car weighed in.  He was one of the first ones up to race.  He was so excited to see how fast his car was.

Except, it wasn't so fast, and he lost.  He was so disappointed!

It was double elimination.  When they called Aaron for his next race, he didn't want to do it.  He was worried he would lose again and then he'd be out.  But, he mustered up his courage and took his car up for his second race.  

He lost again.  He was out.  I could see he was going to cry, so I took him out and we found an empty room to talk.  I told him it was ok to be disappointed and be sad.  We sat together and he cried.  Then I explained to him that after getting our sadness out, we needed to put a smile on our faces and go in and cheer on his friends.  I told him, "Every time there is a race, one of your friends loses.  Let's go in and be supportive of them, because we know how it feels to lose".  So, we brushed away the tears and we went back in to watch the races.  As we came back in, they announced that there had been a computer glitch, so they were going to start over and no one was out.  Aaron was encouraged, till he realized they were starting over and running the same races.  He was going up against the same two cars he had already raced, so he already knew the outcome.  He had to go up and lose twice again.  It was too much for him.  He couldn't lose that many times and still keep a smile on his face.

By the end of the night, he just wanted to go home.  He accepted his certificate, but could barely muster a smile.  Poor kid.  There's always next year!

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