It was gorgeous. But then it slowly began to fall out. He still had more hair than most of my kids ever did at that age, but it wasn't as thick as when he was born.
But then it started to grow back. And once again, I got to enjoy a baby with hair.
But then it started to get a little out of control.
So, I decided it was time for a haircut.
For most of the haircut, Owen did fine. But toward the end, he'd had enough, and let me know it.
When I got done and got him cleaned up, I instantly regretted cutting off all his long hair. I seriously wanted to cry. But, as I've gotten used to it over the last few days, I have come to really love it. He looks so sharp with his nice even hair. I adore this little chubby cheeked baby.
And while I had the camera out, I tried to get some pictures of him showing off his crawling skills. He got up on his hands and knees a little for me, but mostly he just wanted to scoot on his belly over to grab my camera.
Karen, he is absolutely adorable!
He is so cute....and you amaze me at keeping up with all you guys do! I am so impressed....I wanna be like you when I grow up!!!! ;)
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