Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Offer on our House

We were at our lot having Juston scrape it with a Bobcat so we could stake out where our house would sit, when I got a phone call from our realtor Randy.  We had an offer on our house.  I was in shock and so excited.  Here I was making plans for our new house, and our house was finally going to sell.

That night Randy brought over the paperwork.  The excitement that I had felt all day turned to extreme sadness as I signed my name of the offer.  All of a sudden, more than anything, I didn't want to sell my home.  I walked out on the back porch and cried and cried.

I spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to get out of that contract.  I didn't want to sell my house.  I googled "How to get out of a signed real estate deal" and talked at length to Scott about it.  And I cried.  I've never cried so much in my life.  I didn't even try to wear makeup because my eyes were a watery mess.  My friend Susan took Gabe for me for an afternoon and told me to go out with Scott and talk through it.  We took lawn chairs to our lot and sat with a notebook and pen and wrote out pros and cons and tried to figure out where we wanted to be in 5 years.  I FINALLY came to terms with the fact that we would be leaving.  I still cried every time I thought about leaving, but I decided I was willing to leave. 

Three days later, the sale pending sign went up, making it official.  I was not prepared for the emotions that would come with the reality of having to leave. How do you walk away from the place that has held the lives of your family, without your heart feeling like it is breaking?

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