Wednesday, October 26, 2016


There is no doubt that Kate is the center of the show at our house. We all adore her. I think you could say she's a tad bit spoiled. Here are some "Kate moments".

Kate caught a stomach bug.  It didn't last long, but she sure got some good snuggles in while she needed it.

The next day (feeling much better).

But still soaking up extra snuggles.

Savannah got invited to go to camping in Hell's Canyon with her friend Avery.  Kate came with me to drop Savannah off at Avery's house.  She couldn't stand the thought of being without her best friend for a week, and was convinced she should go with Savannah.  The water works that ensued when she didn't get to go with Savannah were something else.

Kate found Savannah's old glasses and tried them on. 

The couch is still her favorite place to sleep.

That and in my bed.

This girl has style.

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