Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nine Months

Owen turned 9 months last week. He is one busy little boy. He just has so many siblings to keep up with. A week ago, he learned to pull himself up to the kneeling position. And just days later he figured out how to go all the way up to standing. He loves to stand.

When Owen wakes up, he immediately pulls himself up to standing in his crib and cries till I come rescue him (he's not so great at letting go and sitting back down gracefully).

Owen has almost mastered crawling. He can do the up on the knees crawl, but prefers to drop down on his belly and scoot himself with his arms (he's much faster that way).

Owen loves to play with toys. We keep a basket full of them in the living room. Twenty times a day, I ask one of the kids to gather Owen's toys back up into the basket. Then as soon as I put him down, he crawls over and tips over the basket, and scatters the toys all over the living room.

Sara still LOVES her baby brother. She is always scooping him up and carrying him around. He's getting to the age that he's not so sure he likes that.

His check up this week confirmed my suspicions--this kid is all Head! He was 90% weight, 95% height, and completely off the charts for his head size. Good thing it's such a cute head. Everybody always comments on his irresistibly kissable cheeks.

Owen is just a joy to have. I tell him every day to stop growing up, but he doesn't listen to me. I'm having HUGE issues about this being my last baby--I've tried to tell Scott that I just can't deal with it and will just have to have more. Usually around that time, a fight will break out somewhere in the house, and Scott will remind me that babies grow up and turn into kids--then I'm not quite as desperate to have another one. I guess I'll just have to enjoy every minute with this kid while he's still a baby.


Jenni said...

Oh my goodness! He is just too cute!!! I seriously just want to squeeze him!!!!

Angela Cothran said...

I love his cheeks :) I would love to see him in person. I think you should have more and more babies. You are a fantastic mom!!!