Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eagle Island Again

Last week I followed through on my promise to the kids that we could go back to Eagle Island to swim. We went last Tuesday morning, and it was wonderfully deserted--only a handful of other people were there. The kids swam and dug in the sand for hours. It was such a great way to spend one of our last free days of summer.

Owen slept in the stroller a good part of the time.

When it came time to leave, the kids played on the play set to get dried off.

Because the kids had been so good (and since our $5 parking pass was good for all day), I promised the kids that after we went home and had lunch and let Owen have a nap, that we would come back. Because Owen had napped a bit in the stroller, he ended up taking a late afternoon nap. He didn't wake up till it was time for Scott to come home from work. So, we took Dad along with us, picked up Dominoes Pizza on the way, and went back to Eagle Island for the rest of the day (we stayed till the mosquitoes started to come out). It was a great day!

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