I got to help 4 kids get dressed, make 3 sack lunches, do the hair of 2 girls, spike the hair of 2 boys, and drive 4 great kids to their first day of school (Scott stayed home with Nate and Owen). I helped Sara find her class, then Josh, then Savannah, then waited with Aaron till his teacher called them in from the playground. When his teacher stepped out and blew the whistle, Aaron looked a little nervous. I went over to him, and he said, "I don't know where I'm supposed to go". I took him over and showed him where the class was lining up. He stepped into line, then gave me a gentle push and said, "K Mom, now you can go back over where you were". He was so excited, it was great to see him so eager to go into his classroom. I held myself together till he walked into his class, then I began the lonely walk back to the truck. I cried the whole way.
I hate sending my kids off to school. I'm not one of those parents who rejoices when the kids go back to school--I dread it. I would prefer to keep my kids with me all the time. I love summer time when I can watch them play together and listen to their fun conversations. I feel like once they start school, they are never fully mine ever again. First it's half days with Kindergarten, then on to full days in 1st grade. Then there's middle school, and high school, then they leave for college, missions, and marriage. I don't want my kids to grow up, I want them to just stay my little kids forever.
But, having said that, I also love to see my kids so excited about school. I love that they get to go off and make new friends, and learn new things, and be exposed to things I would not be able to offer them. Our school has an amazing art program (we are an arts magnet school), the kids have been assigned fantastic teachers, and they are surrounded by uplifting friends. My kids love school, and I love what school has to offer them, but I'm always watching the clock in the afternoon, eagerly waiting for them to walk in the door.
After I got home from taking the kids to school, Scott headed off to work. I loaded up Owen and Nate in the double stroller and I took them for an hour long walk. I'm excited to be able to get some consistent exercise now that I can fit all my kids left at home into one stroller. After our walk, we came back home and I packed up two more sack lunches. This morning Nate was feeling more than just a little left out of things with everyone else heading off to school. So, I tried to think of something that would be fun for him. I packed a lunch for him and Aaron (like I had the other kids) and planned to take them to a park. Scott picked Aaron up from Kindergarten, and then had about 20 minutes with us before heading out the door with his suitcase to catch a flight to Vancouver, Canada. The boys and I headed out the door at the same time and drove to a park. We had lunch, then Aaron and Nate played for a couple of hours. It was a fun way to celebrate Aaron's first day of Kindergarten.
The older three kids got home just before 5. Their school gets out at 3:45, but their bus didn't get them home till 4:50. I find that absolutely ridiculous. The school is only 2 1/2 miles away! The kids had to wait forever for the shuttle bus from another school--stupid budget cuts. I'm hoping the busing will get itself figured out soon, that the huge delay was just first day kinks. If not, I may be driving to school every day to pick them up (which I also have to do with Aaron at noon, because they completely cut the Kindergarten busing to save money). Savannah, Josh, and Sara all came in the door excited to tell me everything that had gone on during the day. They all LOVE their teachers. And Sara lost a tooth at school! Lets hope they are that excited again tomorrow!
1 comment:
I'm the exact opposite. Not that I don't love my kids, but I LOVE to see them grow up and become independent. Maybe it's because I'm so independent myself, but that is a quality I love to see in my kids.
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