The week went rather smoothly until we hit Saturday. At around 5 am, I awoke to Josh standing next to my bed crying that he was feeling sick. I told him to head to my bathroom. He almost made it, but not quite. He threw up on the rug in front of my toilet. Scott and I got up, got everything cleaned up, and got Josh settled with a bucket and a stack of towels in our chair in our room. He continued to throw up every hour or so until around 2 that afternoon. Scott and I had planned a babysitter so we could go out to lunch together that day. Josh was feeling so-so when it was time for us to leave, so we sent him upstairs with his bucket, pillow, blanket and a movie and told him to stay up there away from the babysitter (we didn't want him to get her sick). By the time we got home an hour later, he was feeling pretty good.
That evening we headed over to Scott's parent's house to help cut down three trees. Josh was feeling great by then and had so much fun helping with the project. We cut all the trees up into firewood and brought them home to use next summer in our fire pit. By then, though, Savannah wasn't feeling really great. She layed on the tool box in the back of Scott's truck the whole time just watching. The other kids watched for a minute, but decided the chain saw was too noisy, so they headed inside to play with the toys and Grandma Jo.
By Sunday, we decided that it wasn't a good idea to send the kids to church with Josh just getting over being sick and Savannah just starting. So, Scott stayed home with the kids while I went to the last hour of church (I was too uncomfortable to sit for three hours, so I just went to Relief Society). We all went to bed that night expecting to get up the next morning and go have a baby.
But then...
At 1:30 am Savannah came downstairs to say that she had thrown up--on the rug in front of the toilet upstairs. So, we got up and got that cleaned up and got her settled in our chair. It's where we always put the kids when they get sick--that way they are close to our bathroom and close to us.
At 3:00 am Aaron came downstairs to say that he was feeling sick (he hadn't thrown up yet). So, we moved Savannah (who had continued to throw up in her bowl every hour) out to the couch in the living room and put Aaron in our chair with a bowl.
At 5:30 am I got up and showered and got ready to go to the hospital. I was scheduled to be induced at 7, which meant we had to leave our house at 6:30. But at 6, the hospital called to say they'd had a busy night and didn't have any open rooms for me, and to wait and call at 9 to see if they had room. I told the nurse that it was probably a good thing that I was delayed, because I currently had 2 kids sick. Josh's sickness had been so short lived, I figured a few more hours would go a long way with getting Aaron and Savannah feeling better.
Shortly after I got off the phone, I heard Josh and Nate coming down the stairs. Josh announced, "Nate's throwing up!". Once again, we sprung to action. I went upstairs and gathered the bedding in Nate's bed (luckily, there wasn't any on the carpet, just in his bed) and Scott got Nate in the tub. Once he was cleaned up, he got to come to bed with us. Around that time Aaron decided to go ahead and throw up also. So, we had 3 kids throwing up when my doctor called at 8. He said he'd heard I had sick kids, and asked what I wanted to do. He said we could delay the induction to another day, or we could go ahead with it and get me out of the sick environment before I caught it. I opted for the latter. He said it was still pretty busy, but he'd do his best to get me in.
At 9 I called in to the hospital and was told to call again in an hour. Meanwhile, we kept Scott's dad informed of the delay. He was going to come stay with the kids for us while we had the baby (my parents couldn't come till that night). So, he waited by his phone for the call to come while we waited by our phone for the call to come.
At 10 I called and was told to again call back in an hour.
At 11 I called and was told to just wait until they called me.
By noon all three kids were feeling better and the throwing up had stopped. So then the waiting and impatience really started to get intense. Every time the phone rang, I'd rush to the phone and wait for the caller ID to show up to see if it was the hospital. Finally at 3 in the afternoon, my doctor called again and said it wasn't looking good. But, he said he was on call all night, so as soon as a room opened up, I'd be able to come in to be induced.
At 4 I called the nurse again because I hadn't heard from her since 11. She said all the rooms were still full. At 5 my doctor called again. He said he'd rescheduled me for 6 am the next morning and upgraded me from "elective induction" to "medical induction" so I'd have less of a chance of getting postponed again. He said he'd still bring me in in the middle of the night if a spot opened up, but to just plan on 6 the next day.
So our day was spent just waiting and waiting. I had kept the kids out of school that day because we thought we'd be having a baby. Scott had taken off work because we thought we'd be having a baby. Scott's dad, who had also put his day on hold for us all day, ended up coming in the evening and brought dinner for us. And then my parents got there later in the evening. And we all went to bed that night hoping that the next day would really be the day that we'd meet our little baby boy.
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