On Friday Owen had his first doctor's appointment (10 day check-up). I discussed with the doctor my theory that Owen had a milk allergy. He agreed that I needed to cut dairy out of my diet. He explained it really well to me. He said it takes about a year for a baby's digestive system to fully develop. He said that the protein in dairy is harder for some babies to break down. The protein is then absorbed into the lining of the stomach, and if it hasn't been broken down properly, then the stomach is trying to absorb larger pieces of protein, which can be painful and tear up the lining of the stomach.
Owen's weight had dropped to 8 pounds 12 ounces. He should have regained his birth weight (9 lbs 2 oz). So, I was told to start supplementing more. The doctor said he looks great, looks healthy, but we just need to fatten him up a bit more. He gave me the lecture about the things that decrease breast milk--stress, fatigue, and sickness. And unfortunately, I'm failing in all three. First it was the flu, now I've come down with a horrible cold. Owen's not a great sleeper at night. He has to sleep right next to me, and I spend the whole night putting the pacifier back in, and holding his hands when he fusses (he likes having my hand on him to help him feel secure). And there are the middle of the night feedings, which take up to an hour at a time. And there is no chance of me getting a nap in the daytime--too many kids to take care of. And, the whole milk issue doesn't help in the stress department. So he gave me a prescription for Reglan, which is supposed to help boost my milk supply (which I still need to take to the pharmacy to get filled). And in the meantime, we are just doing more bottles. And we get to go back next Monday to check his weight again.
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2 years ago
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