April 15th. Scott came home with a present from a guy he works with (the one that brings us down to Phoenix each year). It was full of all sorts of fun baby things. Among the stuff was a shirt for Gabe that said "Thing 2" and this shirt for Kate. Gabe's shirt won't fit for another couple months, but Kate is excited for when they can wear their shirts together.
April 17th.
April 18th. Two months old.
April 20th.
April 21st. This was the day that our swing decided to die. I had bought it with Owen because he, like Gabe, would only sleep if I was holding him, and I was so desperate for sleep. It was expensive and I debated if I should buy it, but Scott convinced me it was worth it if it got me some sleep. Scott was right, it was so worth it. We used it with Owen, my sister in law Kenna used it with Avery, I used it with Kate, Kenna used it with Gabby, and I used it with Gabe. Right up until this day when it completely died. Gabe was spending nights in the swing and napping in it during the day. But without the swing, he had to start sleeping in his bassinet next to my bed at nights. He did pretty good transitioning, but still ended up in bed with me off and on through the nights.
He spent his days napping in his vibrating high chair seat.
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2 years ago
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