I was cleaning upstairs the other day, and came across these things written in various notebooks. I love finding cute things like these.
This was a note written by Aaron. I'll translate in case it's hard to read in this picture.
"Mon Nov 10th 2014
I'm sitting in front of the TV. Here is what I will do if I am President. Less taxes, President and his friends don't have to pay, I will make a $99.99 bill, Josh will be vice president, Kate secretary of state..."
Another one by Aaron
"All about me. Favorite color is blue. Favorite friend Carter. Favorite friend in family Nate. Cutest person in family Kate. Pet I want mouse. Favorite holiday Christmas. What I want to be President. Favorite treat frozen yogurt. Favorite movie Frozen. Favorite president.... Favorite ice cream... Girlfriend Linnea. Favorite sport base ball. Favorite president George Washington."
A poem by Josh about Aaron. I love that he wrote "Not weird".
And this one by Aaron was from this past winter. He took something of Nate's and used it, so I told him he had to come up with a way to make it right. Here was his plan:
"I'll take mom with me and Nate, and sell hot chocolate and give the money to Nate and repent."
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2 years ago
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