When you have 5 kids in school, it's a full time job attending all the end of the year activities. First up we had Savannah's band concert on Tuesday. Scott and Josh had football practice, so I went and took the other 5 kids with me. Savannah did awesome, as always.
Wednesday we had Aaron's birthday. Thursday afternoon Owen had his Little Gym end of the year show. We went straight from his speech therapy to Little Gym.
From there we went straight to Sara's school to see her writing/art celebration. I enjoyed getting to see some of the art work Sara has created through the year. Owen and Kate loved the cookies and juice they had sitting out for them to enjoy.
From there we went home and I put Kate down for a much needed nap. I had about an hour home before it was time to head to Nate's Little Gym show. This was Nate's final gymnastics show. He started when he was 2 in the parent/child class, but he's ready to move on to playing sports like his brothers, and won't be doing gymnastics next year. I think he's ok about that. He was the only boy in his gymnastics class this year, and he didn't really love that.
And after gymnastics, Scott and I got to finish off the evening by going to Josh's 6th grade choir concert.
I'm so proud of how talented and smart my kids are. Getting to go to all of these school activities let me see each of them shine in their own way. Scott and I must be doing something right, because they are all great kids.
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2 years ago
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