Our Owen Henry turned 4 on November 9th. Since Owen's birthday was on a Sunday, we decided to take the kids out to dinner the night before to celebrate our Owen. Sara had a Book It certificate for a free pizza that she wanted to use, so we went to Pizza Hut. Nobody dines in at Pizza Hut, it's all take out and delivery, so it's a great place for a family like ours to spread out, and not worry about disturbing other customers.
Owen got sung to by the primary, and he got a treat from the Bishop!
It was Scott's first Sunday home since he'd been called as Elder's Quorum President (he was gone 3 Sundays in a row), so he had lots of meetings. He left at 7:30 that morning and didn't come home till 3 in the afternoon. But Savannah was really great after church, and did fun things with Owen to help him celebrate (a bike ride, painting his fingernails, and doing art).
For dinner, we had Owen's favorite - Macaroni and Cheese. After dinner, Owen opened his presents.
I told Owen to show me 4 with his fingers. Kate had to give it a try too.
Owen got an old fashioned record player, like his mom and dad had when they were kids.
Next was a tractor flashlight.
And perhaps his favorite gift was a big container of chocolate Nesquik. He loves chocolate milk!
After presents, we had cake and ice cream.
Then Grandma and Grandpa Howell came and we had another round of present opening. Owen got clothes, art supplies, and a box of little cars. The cars were by far his favorite.
Owen got ready for bed, then got to open another round of presents. A couple of fun puzzles from his buddy Randy.
I think Owen had a pretty fantastic birthday. It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since I held this "little" guy in my arms. We love our Owen Henry!
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2 years ago
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